10 Steps to Enthusiasm


Hey legends, so a lot of you ask me: “How do you manage to remain enthusiastic about life? Is it genuine?” 

Well, the answer is yes. I find it hard not to be. As heavy as the human experience can be in todays overcomplicated society, I think it’s pretty fucking incredible that we

get this opportunity. Just the fact that we are living breathing organisms interacting on a giant spinning rock in space never ceases to amaze me. And the fact that we

have no idea of what we are capable of keeps me inspired. 

But that doesn’t mean it don’t get heavy at times. I’d be lying if I said the monthly existential crisis don’t have me sprawled out on the floor in starfish position. Which is

when we need enthusiasm to lift that heavy weight off our shoulders. At times it can feel out of our reach, so it’s useful to have an escape ladder when we need it the


I’ve crafted a checklist to keep me in check on the bumpy roads, and I’d thought I’d share the resource for anyone seeking new tools to try. Over the years I’ve reflected

on the moments my life enthusiasm is peaking, analyzing the factors that contributed towards it to spot any patters. 

Turns out, there was an undeniable pattern repeating itself. 

So I do what I do best, simplified it into 10 step list of all the blind spots for my messy mind to check when I'm struggling with momentum.

If somethings off - I reassess and take action. 

For those of you inspired to download and add this to your toolbox, drop a message in the Contact Me bubble saying 'CHECKLIST'. Now, let's dissect each checkpoint.

10 Step Enthusiasm Check

1. Am I in an Uplifting circle?

You’ve read this a million times but lemme just emphasize it one more. It truly is a blessing to be surrounded by uplifting people. 

When you’re around people who truly elevate you, it’s easy to identify those who don’t. 

If you’re not - put your big kid pants on, get your clippers out and weed out your circle. 

I’m not saying cut out people you care about with good intentions, I’m saying be conscious of how much time you are allocating to them and the correlation to your

energy upon interacting. 

If it ain’t contributing towards it, love them from a little bit further and free the space. 

I’m big on personality, energy, will and wants. That shit is contagious. So if you are surrounded by a bunch of laziness or negativity you’re gonna find yourself becoming

what’s in your environment. 

Surround yourself with people who are excited about life - It’s fuel.  

2. Have I been mixing it up regularly?

Diversity is the spice of life and key to inspiration - 

If it’s always one thing all the time no matter how much you want it, that’s how you drive yourself crazy and eventually plateaux. 

If your dish is loosing taste, spice up your recipe- simple as that. You’ll either be inspired to evolve it or go back to craving the dish at hand.

Win win.  

3. Is my scale balanced? 

No, I’m not talking about the kind you step on. I’m talking about the scale that holds your life values. 

Try separating your goals from your human experience. If they’re all in the same place it’s easy for them to overpower each other, making it harder for you to identify

where you’re speeding yourself thin.  

Check your balance and shut off between them. When you’re cranking your cranking. When you’re in nature you’re in nature. When you’re with your loved ones, you’re

with your loved ones. 

If these start interjecting each other it becomes a mental clusterfuck and you won’t be efficient in any of them

4. Are my devises positively charged? 

Filter out negativity on your phone and use the dreaded algorithms to your favor. 

Is it helping you? 

Is it inspiring you? 

Is it making you better?

Is it pushing you to new limits?

No? Then you don’t need to see that shit.

If anything it’s just taking up creative space by literally spending your precious time scrolling through a bunch of bullshit. 

5. Am I learning? 

We don’t even know how to do the common anymore because our device has made everything so readily available. 

Can you navigate to a place without your phone? How does a fridge work? How are your clothes made? Who declared that fact you’re living by? 

Your brain is a muscle. Arguably the most important one we got. Don’t get lazy with it. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. 

6. Am I being proactive with my health?

You may be functioning, but are you optimizing? Health is a long term game. The older you get the less forgiving your system is with your choices. 

Take actions that amplify your time here as much as you can - starting with your health. 

7. Am I giving my 100 percent? 

If you’re gonna do it, do it to be the best. Not compared to other people, but the best for you. 

You’re in a battle with yourself. No one else matters. If you are doing better than you did the day before, you’re ahead. 

8. Am I going for it or going with it?

What’s your reason not to go after everything that you possibly can?

You can do whatever you put your mind to, and when you do, the game will open up new levels. Each new level that opens up, you’re able to adapt a different mindset

and a different approach. You can stop at that level, or you can level up. The more you do, the more you are able to do. 

9. Am I ready for takeoff? 

You may know where you’re aiming towards but are you actually prepared to get there? 

In every big project I work on, there’s always a point where I’ve done everything I can and all I’m missing is that one external factor (whether that’s a talent, a contact or

resources). This treacherous part always tests my patience. But I keep persevering through each discouragement and putting it out there until eventually the odds are in

my favor and I find my fuel. 

Most times you don’t know what the fuel in a rocket is gonna be. You just gotta buckle up and be prepared for takeoff. Now if you take off, and don’t know where the

seatbelts or lights and shit are, now you’re on a fucked up rocket ride. You gonna crash and it’s over.

Take it from someone who’s endured a few crashes - It’s your responsibility to be ready.  

10. Is my environment working for me? 

I’m a strong believer that environment matters. 

Of course you can use your resilience to make do with any environment you’re met with, but why wouldn’t you create one that works to your advantage where you can?

Then you can save that energy you’re using to ‘make it work’ for creating in an environment that is ‘working for you’.

If your goal is to eat healthy, don’t stock your shelves with junk. If your goal is to work, create a desirable working environment to work in. If your goal is to shut your

devices off an hour before bed- tweak your phones settings. If your goal is to read more- Leave books around all your resting spots. 

Optimize your environment so that is helps you to achieve your goals rather than makes it more difficult by containing all the shit you are trying to resist. 


In summary, that’s pretty much it! If all of these elements are there, and you are still lacking enthusiasm well you’re gonna have to look a little deeper and confront

yourself. It's pretty hard to be enthusiastic about life when you're living someone else's. 

Not being yourself is freaking draining, of course it’s difficult to muster up enthusiasm. In order to enjoy yourself you gotta first and foremost BE YOURSELF. 

Pretending to be something you're not takes up all your resources you could be using on doing what you actually enjoy and could get excited about.

Society has created these moulds that they’ve deemed ‘correct’ and are constantly encouraging us to fit into them by guaranteeing success.

But if you use your own brain for a second, and observed the most successful people- you’ll realize that they are the anomalies. They don’t fit into a mould.

They have created their own that fits perfectly for them.

Each and every one of us is a unique individual, molded by genes, nature, nurture and shaped by our personal experience. 

We may identify with others, but we're not always going to enjoy the things they do- and that’s okay! 

Don’t waste your time fulfilling yourself with things that fulfill others, or you’ll remain emptily surrounded by happy people.  

It's only when you're naturally YOU that you can find what drives you and grab a firm hold. Then you can work on being enthusiastic.

Much love legends, hope at least one of you has found this resourceful. That’s all I need to make it worth it. 

If you got anything to contribute to it, please don’t hesitate to drop it in the comments. 

Now, go enjoy yourself!

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